Tutti gli articoli di Ivar Petersen


Grief is peculiar.
Exceedingly difficult to handle, in reality unbearable and absolutely impossible to describe or explain. None the less, that’s what I will attempt.

Just as ordinary pain, grief and the love it represents, is subjective as it is experienced on the basis of the individual’s identity and emotional profile. To the grieving there are various bereavement support groups that it can be helpful to join. For parents who have lost a child, there’s some comfort and security being with other who are not just grieving, but also grieving for a lost child. It can be difficult explaining to the person who has lost his or her partner or parent why we avoid general bereavement groups when special bereavement groups for parents are available. I would never claim our grief is stronger or worse than others, but I do claim it is different. You can think of it similarly as you think of love. Love for parents, partner and children can not be compared with respect to strength, exactly because they are all different in nature. The love you have for your children is infinite and not least unconditional and that’s what puts it apart from any other love. Love for parents might be similar, but it is still not the same. Here, I believe, we have a possible answer to why bereavement over a child is different from any other bereavement. It’s generally accepted, that grief is expression of love towards a party that are no longer present. And when that love is special in it’s infinite unconditional nature, it’s not so strange that the grief is too.

We are surrounded by the most wonderful people. Family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues – all have the greatest sympathy and do whatever they can to help. Often people do not know what to say when we meet, which is not so strange given there really is nothing to say. Nothing can reduce the pain, the loss or the grief. Typically, we end up with a careful “How are things?” and normally I reply honestly that things are not very well. “It’s improving”, I often say, “but very slowly”.
Occasionally I meet someone who has a desire to demonstrate that they they, to a certain degree, understand what I am going through. It goes like: “I know it’s not the same, but I also got hit very badly when I lost my…” here insert “father”, “mother”, “brother” etc.
I lost my father when I was 17 and I still have unresolved issues from my fathers death, something in connection with Hans‘ death, after nearly 40 years, I am finally beginning to discuss with a therapist. And believe me: It doesn’t even get close.
There was recently an article in a Danish paper, outlining how parents who have lost a child have a shorter life expectancy and a higher rate of sickness and injuries.  Parents die from suicide and accidents. I am in two on-line and one real-life bereavement groups. There are over 200 parents who have lost a child in the on-line groups. I have yet to meet or hear from a single parent who has not at one point or another considered suicide. I have heard of old people who choose to follow their life-long partner to the grave, but I have actually never heard of anyone choosing to follow their parent. There are no-one among the parents I have gotten to know, who in the ½ year has taken their own life, but there are a few for whom I am deeply concerned, primarily because I unfortunately possess the translation guide enabling me to interpret their comments on hopelessness and lack of meaning in life.

Grief is subjective and impossible to explain. I have attempted, well knowing I would fail, but maybe I have still provided a small glimpse into what is happening under the hood. I don’t hope anyone thinks I am claiming that our grief somehow is more important or otherwise more “right” than anyone else’s. I have just noticed – with all of us – an expressed feeling that it is different, and I have now shared my thoughts with you as to why that might be.

I am father to Hans, who is dead

Most of us really don’t want to change. Why should we? What we want, are small adjustments to the original model. We want to stay the same, only a better version.
But what happens, when something so disastrous happens, that we just change? We change from being a well-known person to an unknown.
So when you see yourself in the mirror, you recognize yourself, but the person inside you, is a different person.
– Naja Marie Aidt

When Hans died, my life changed in numerous ways and with subsequent significant consequences in the short, medium and life-long term. One such consequence, one I share with other parents in my situation, is the total destruction of the existing “I” and the associated deep existentialistic and self-focusing review of what make up important life values.

I was 55 years old when Hans died, and like most, I had a composite identity with a developed personality and my own personal type as backdrop. I was a father, a husband, colleague, football fan, amateur photographer, fitness instructor, neighbour, friend, private pilot etc. – as most other people with a patchwork of an identity. That identity existed on the background of general optimism, humour, openness and joy.

Even without rules or conventions, it is obvious that in the time right after your child dies, you are solely the grieving parent. This is universally accepted at least until the funeral. After the funeral there will be some well-meaning people around you who will have the attitude that you need to get on with life, and that it will be good for me to “do something else” and to “think of something else”. There is some truth in this, but very few understand the time horizons we are dealing with.

In the world of grieving we talk about living your life in two tracks. One forward looking track, which over time will develop into a “normal” life; a life, where I can do all kind of things and generally look to the future. The other track is the grief track. Here, I can look back and cultivate my grief – that is, my love -for Hans. What we learn from talking to other parents much further down the road from their loss is that the building of your forward track takes a long time. At least 2 years, in some cases longer and in a few tragic cases it never happens. As an indication consider the “Parent Association Lost a child” where all volunteers have themselves lost. They have a rule, that to become a volunteer, at least 4 years since your loss must have lapsed. That is, they estimate it takes at least 4 years before you can consider yourself well on the way in your new life. When after several years you learn to switch between the tracks at will, it becomes like breathing. You decide when to take a breath… unless you wait too long, and then the body forces you. Those, who master it, can chose when to cultivate their grief and love, for example by visiting their child’s grave and by that, ensure that their “normal” life is free from unwanted changes to the grief track.

What I need to understand – and thus unwillingly force my surroundings to understand – is that I am currently 100% in the grief track. This means my identity, the way I see myself, is 100% father to Hans, who is dead. Alas, I do other stuff, I work and I am happy for my work – probably mainly the fact it distracts from an unwanted reality. I act in day-to-day life as a friend, colleague, husband, neighbour and all the other stuff, but I do not see myself as anything but what I feel I am: Father to Hans, who is dead. That IS my identity.

The construction of the new “normal” life is very much about making my identity composite again – to include other elements than just the grieving. Father to Hans, who is dead, will always be a large part of my identity, but it is my objective, that over time it should not be the only thing making up my identity. I, as I were, have been destroyed. My identity and my values. This means, that part of the process, besides the construction of a new identity, also includes learning to live with and adapt to my new set of values. In the end both my surroundings and I need to accept, that I will never be anywhere near the same person I was, nor will life and relations with me be the same. What I have experienced is comparative to a personality-affecting brain damage.

The lighthouse, which have guided me through life particularly in relation to my children, has always been “happiness” and “joy”. Americans express it very well in their declaration of independence: “…they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness. The right to the pursuit of happiness. Not happiness itself, obviously – you cannot legislate that, but everyone has the inherent right to pursue their happiness. If I, by one of my children, am asked: “What would you say, if I …” the answer is the same predictable: “If it makes you happy, it’s right”.
I too have the right to pursue happiness, but I have neither the ability nor the desire and I most certainly do not have happiness itself. I am, ½ year after Hans’ death, deeply unhappy and incapable of feeling joy.

Therefore, when I cannot find happiness or joy, the next thing to look for is any meaning. What is the meaning of my life? Is it meaning enough that others want you to be? When in our grief-groups we discuss the topic of suicide, a standard statement is: “You need to be there for your children, your partner, the rest of your family and your friends; think how unhappy they will be, if you were to die now.” I was somewhat taken back, when I read the reply from one of the mothers: “Yes, they (the family) will, but I can’t find enough meaning in my existence if it’s purely for others”. Ouch! That statement brought home to me the bottomlessness of our shared feeling of despair and unhappiness.

With other parents, I have thrown myself into the fight to reduce the number of fatalities from meningokok and meningokoksepsis. Firstly, by working with health professionals from the region, in order to change processes, actions and culture in the health system. Secondly, by promoting public information in order to reduce time before meningitis is suspected, brought to the attention of health professional and treatment is started hopefully resulting in an ultimately better prognosis.  THIS is right now the meaning I can find in life. A desperate search for meaning in Hans’ death. A reaction against fate: It just CANNOT be right that such a wonderful boy dies without some good coming out of it.

Based on messages we have received from parents, it is likely that the initiatives have already saved lives. If the most important of the changes and actions the analysis teams come up with are carried out, it is very likely it will save even more lives in the future. More young people will be able to live out their full potential and not least more parents who will live a “normal” forward-looking life without a grief track but in company with their child.

At some point in the future, I will feel that I have done all that I can. I will be satisfied that I have done Hans’ proud. At that point, what is today the sole meaning of my life disappears, and I hope I have then built up a new identity and have learned to live with my two tracks so I can again pursue happiness, wherever it may lie.

When reality hits

Dear Hans.

In a week it’s been 4 months since you died and almost two months since I last wrote you a letter. Is that a long time or a short time? Time. That abstract concept has gained a whole new meaning in my life. There are practically only 3 blocks on my timeline that I can currently relate to: The time before you died. The time after you died. And today … what happens right here and now. Within each of these, everything melts together, especially what happened after you died but before today. Was it yesterday, last week or last month? Not only do I not know … I really don’t care. In fact, almost all of my life awake is about you in one way or another. If I do not talk about you or think of you, I do something to actively avoid thinking about you. Not because I don’t want to remember you, but as a self-defence, a free haven, as it makes me so incredible sad every time the reality of your death hits me.

Last time I wrote you, I had a whole lot of things going on. With others I worked to spread the message of how to recognize a meningococcal infection early enough to be able to do something about it and we have been working at different levels to change the culture of our health system so that we can learn from mistakes made; Among other things, from the mistakes made when you died – mistakes that really never gave you even the slimmest chance to survive. With the help of Danish National TV, we have launched a ship and we know we have already made a difference; probably already saved a life. It gave us a meaning in life – a real reason to get up in the morning. We could, spiritually stand shoulder to shoulder with you, together fight for future meningococcal infected, so they get a much better chance than you, Mathias and Christopher ever got.

Now, with meetings, documentaries radio and TV-appearances over with, we wake up in the morning with one less reason to get up. A little less meaning in life. In that, I know, we are far from unique. In our grief-group we meet too many parents who struggle to find meaning since the most important thing in their lives died. As a moth to the flame, I still go back to the group – though it always hurts me with its huge amount of the most terrible concentrated sadness. On the question of why I do that, the only answer I can come up with, is that it’s because no one else really understands. Communicating with other people whose frame of reference is the same as my own means a lot when trying to find answers to current questions of life – not least the very big one: What’s the meaning?

For the last few weeks, I’ve been so significantly worse than before, that I feared I was heading for a “real” depression. There is a lot of overlap between the way I have felt for the last 4 months and the classic indications of depression, but my state of mind is changing. Last time I wrote you, I was not feeling well. The intensity of the shock was decreasing, the pain was constant and the intensity of the loss was increasing. The intensity of all these emotions did however very from day to day – I could have relatively “good” days once in a while. Compared to how I feel now, it’s as those feelings then were almost superficial. At the moment I feel locked in a deep dark hole. My psychologist thinks, for various reasons, that I am not suffering from a depression as such. In the present, of course, it doesn’t really matter; I feel like I do, no matter what I or a psychologist call it, but I can easily see that if in the middle of everything I was going to have to treat a real depression, it would not make life less complicated.

Recognition is not binary. Recognition exists on many levels. Had anyone, on the evening of January 1st, 2017, asked us if you were dead or alive, we would answer that you were dead. The lowest level of recognition is the factual. We were also then in the deepest shock, so on all other levels there was no realization. As the days went by and as they became weeks, I realized on several levels that you did not exist in the present. You were dead – I couldn’t call you, I couldn’t watch you play football, I could not embrace you … You. Were. Not. There. It is an indescribably hard and painful realization, but for my part, it was a piece of cake to take in, compared to the next, to what I am experiencing now: The recognition that you will not be there in the future. It’s as if you continue to die, again and again. First, you die in reality. Then you die in the recognition of the present. Next, you die in the future – and that happens every damn day I wake up to face it.

As you may know(!), I have been contacted by a clairvoyant who tells me he has been in contact with you. You and I were both equally sceptical about that kind of thing before you died. Before I talked to him, I had the perfect control question. No matter how sceptical I am; If you answered that question … I would know you, or some element of you, really were somewhere in some form. Unfortunately, “it” does not work that way. I have nevertheless opened my mind and thought: OK, it could be right. Perhaps the energy of life is permanent and independent of the body. Then came the considerations: What would I get out of communicating with you? If you exist on another level, a level, I as mortal, simply do not understand, how can I then understand the communication that necessarily has a frame of reference in that plane? What if you tell me that the existence of that plane is so much better than the existence on the earth … why then wait for death? Why not just end this life and join you on your plane? Having considered this and many other questions I have, all in all, decided not to contact you through a medium. “What if Hans really has something important he wants to tell you” says a good friend. I can only say – you are/were the most resourceful person I know. If you have a message you think is important, then you’ll find a way to get it communicated to me. Possibly by contacting the same medium and ask him to pass on the message. Oh, and while you are at it, if at the same time, you could indicate the answer to that secret only you and I know, that would be really cool.

So what happens next? My love for you is as painful as it is strong. I will continue to try to use it constructively in my life while learning to live that life without you. I have yet to even get close to succeed. It seems to be an infinitely difficult task right now. At the same time, I will not forget my love for your brothers and your mother. For my sister. For friends. Unfortunately, it is also painful to see not only their grief over your death but also the grief of our inability, in the shadow of your death, to show and celebrate our love for each other.

Dear Hans. Trusted friend. My dearest little treasure. Hopefully, it will get better and easier over time. Time. That abstract concept has gained a whole new meaning in my life. Time hardly heals all, and in any case it works unbearably slowly.

Letter to Hans

Dear Hans.

This is the first time I ever write a “real” letter to you. We have never in your 17 years been apart long enough that I thought it was appropriate, and when we have been together, we’ve always talked about all things in life.
Several things have happened since you died New Year’s Day. Among other things, I have two new friends connected as we are by an understanding of each other’s suffering. I have for the first time in my life felt the need to regularly talk to a psychologist. When we meet, we talk about me or you, and often about both of us. She found out early that I am very action-, solution- and result-oriented. That will not surprise you. Last time I spoke with her she expressed some concern for me. You see, I’m right now involved in a lot of actions which I hope will result in solutions and results. But she is concerned that I use it as a distraction and procrastination in order not to be forced to confront and work with my inner feelings. I think this could very well be true, and I promise you that the rest of this letter is only going to be about my feelings – the actions are for another time.
I feel really really poorly. I am in my life’s biggest crisis. It is over two months since you died, and I feel I am teetering on the edge of a precipice. People look at me from solid ground, watch me walk safely along the edge and comment on my strength and energy. It is an utter illusion. A small step to the wrong side and I crash. The days after you died, I was in an easily recognizable shock. As one of my new friends remarked, shock is meant as the body’s defense mechanism. I had a part of myself amputated, a big part of my soul, and I stood back with a huge hole inside, lacking the ability to comprehend what had happened. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep.
So it felt like the initial shock ceased, and instead the feeling of oppressive sadness took over . I was and am a zombie. I interact with the material world, but mentally I am not there, not even in another world, I just AM not. I dare not think about the future. All thoughts of the future will always come to focus on the fact, that you are not a part of it. That, I just can not handle. I hope that with the help of friends and professionals, one day I will learn to do that. But today it’s just way too overwhelming.
The shock, the pain and the grief is still so real, so powerful. I’ve had exactly one full day since New Year’s Day, where I have not cried. It is not a goal or target; just an observation. It has become worse. In addition to the the grief and the pain, the loss is starting to affect me. I have a physical need to put my arm around you. To go to one of your football games and watch you play. To hear you say “hi!” when you come through the door. You’ve always loved Christmas and birthdays. When you were very young, I loved to watch your expectant face when you opened your gifts. Last Christmas, less than 3 months ago, you gave – as always – thoughtful, lovely and loving gifts. When Mom and I opened the gift from you, you had that same childish expectant face; but this time in joyful anticipation of how happy we would be, of your gift to us. This sensitive, thoughtful and loving Hans, I miss. So much. Infinitely. Indescribably and unbearably. I am advised to try and fill the hole in my soul with all the wonderful memories of our life together, and I must pad it out with my infinite and eternal love for you. I will try to use my love for you as a force to get me ahead in life. But right now, sweetheart … right now I miss you so much that I find it difficult to find a meaning in life. My new friends are talking with, or at least to their dead boys. I wish I could talk to you. But my need is not to say anything to you, my need is to hear you answer. To see and feel the love from you. It is indeed your love I miss.
Many years ago when we went to Parken together, we took the train from Farum to Ryparken. We had some great conversations on our walks to and from the stations. The other day I was at the FC Copenhagen – Brøndby game. Like your very first match at parken back in 2005. After the game, I took the train home and for the first time in ages, I sat alone … and I felt your presence stronger than ever since that damn New Year’s Day. And it’s better than nothing. It’s better than not to feel your presence. But it’s not nearly enough.
I am a completely destroyed human being, my heart is broken and my life with a future without you is undesirable to say the least. Education, inhibitions and a sense of responsibility towards your mother and your brothers prevents me from thinking seriously of joining you. I also know that you would always wish for my continued long and good life. The same desire for you has indeed been my top priority for the past 17 years, but such wishes – our wishes – are ultimately only dreams, they are in fact dangerous illusions about what we think we can control.
All I can do now is try to build a new “me”. Try to repair my heart utilising my love for you. I’ll try that, at the same time I every day move one day further down the road, forming my future. A future I will not accept, because it does not include you.

I love you. So much. I can not live without you. But that’s exactly what I’m forced to do, and therein lies my curse.
You rest in peace, but believe me, in my heart you are fighting side by side with me, for my life and my future.

Don’t touch Nefertiti

It’s a regular and long lasting tradition, that we warm up to our family & friends Christmas lunch by attending the Matinee showing of the Crazy Christmas Cabaret, for the past years in Glassalen in Tivoli, and of course this year was no difference. What was slightly different, was the fact we attended 21st of November, where normally we go the first or second Saturday in December.
Don't Touch NefertittiObviously, at the ensuing drinks and dinner, the first topic to be addressed is: How was it this year. Because, as we have found out, it does vary greatly from year to year.
The plot, the theme, the script, the performances and the circumstances all have a say as to how “this years” CCC will be perceived. One year, Andrew Jeffers got sick before the last scene – food poisoning, which was deliciously ironic, since his dress theme that year was food with lots of cakes and fruits as decorations.
Katrine Falkenberg, one of my absolute cast favorites, has been away on maternity leave and this year she had a sore throat on the night. Oh, and Caspar Phillipson, who is a new kid on the cast, this year was sick and hastily replaced. 2 years ago Vivienne McKee took a break from performing and was not part of the cast and same year my eldest son was the CCC virgin to go on stage.
Falaffel and StoneSo what did I think of this year’s show? Well, to get the negative out of the way and because my impression is overwhelmingly positive, I’ll start by pointing out what didn’t work quite as well as it could have. The plot was very messy, even more than usual, with a lot of open threads that sort of never got closed, but quite frankly, we have become used to that, and it’s really not that important. Vivienne tried to take a behind the scenes role a couple of years back, but probably from popular demand including mine, she returned to the stage last year. Maybe she should try retiring again. She didn’t seem quite as energetic and driven as we have become used to, and everyone surely appreciate she has done her duty and beyond. Both her and Bent deserve to enjoy the autumn of their life maybe spiced up with a bit of writing the scripts. Oh, and the day we were there, the original choice of Crazy Christmas Virgin to come on stage was really poor, but was corrected by the time a person had to come on stage. Even though it was a mistake, it was surprising, as I have otherwise always been impressed by their picks. Finally, the audience routine on Nefertitti wasn’t good. Well, at least I didn’t like it – I thought the combination of gestures was awkward. That’s about all, as far as negatives are concerned.
Vivian McKee

The character they ended up pulling on stage was a hit. I’m not quite sure if he was stoned, drunk or just “up for it” but he had everyone in stitches – and that included the cast on stage! We always sit on first or second row, and thus take in some of the going ons between cast members while they are not in action. Also, we notice most of the attempts to tease each other or to get each other to crack up. I don’t know if it was because we were unusually early in the season or whether it was just a good night, but I can’t remember having experienced the cast having to pause to put on their serious face or just cracking up on stage quite as much as they did. And obviously, it’s fantastic. This is what a Christmas Panto is for. I’d be intrigued to know if it was part of the script or another attempt, that when Vivian McKee (as Ms Stone) was asked to go and find Bent van Helsingore to tell him to join the crew, Bateson suggests she brings him herself “so we can be sure he will find it” and then she could always leave after that. It was an innocent enough of an exchange, but it had the air of an attempted joke, not the least because Vivian didn’t have a particularly quick witty response at the ready.

Andrew JeffersAndrew Jeffers looked like he had lost some weight, and he looked better for it, and again, is absolutely outstanding in his delivery, energy and ability to include the audience. In all of his 3 roles he just controls the stage (and the audience). I am a huge fan.

David BatesonDavid Bateson in a dress?! Tarzan?! Who the hell thought out THAT idea?! Well, it was genious! He has always been fantastic in the roles he has done, but this time he showed a completely new side to his talents. Very funny. I could see this happen again next year.

Katrine FalkenbergKatrine Falkenberg suffered through a cold or a flu, but still gave a great performance and by having play-back on one (I think only one) of her songs, you really had to know HOW good she can be, to find out something was wrong.

Rikke HvidbjergNew kid on the block, Rikke Hvidbjerg, just blew us away. Such an amazing acting talent and a fantastic voice – what a catch for CCC – I surely hope she sticks around.

I know Christmas and particularly pantos are for traditions, but I personally didn’t miss the phone call to Daisy. It was getting a bit dated.

I am not alone having loved this year’s show – I can’t actually remember ever having the audience laugh that much, for that long and so many times. So, since I think this could very well be the best (out of many) Crazy Christmases I have been to, I have to give this year’s show 6 stars out of 6.

I’ll be back!

Related Images:

Dear Dan & Rachel: What are you doing to our BodyCombat?

Dear Dan & Rachel: What are you doing to our BodyCombat?

First of all, let me identify myself. I do not know where I rank with respect to the family/tribe thing – I am not an instructor, just a faithful, committed – some say obsessive fanatic – participant in as many BodyCombat classes I can get my hands and not least my legs in.

Before BC the only exercise I did was running. I then wanted to lose weight and get in shape. I joined my first ever studio class 194 BC classes and 20kg ago, and the rest is history.

All though I live in a suburb to Copenhagen/Denmark I enjoy taking classes when traveling in Europe, and like the overall familiarity with the concept and tracks while experiencing the small cultural variations. When I started, my local 3-times-a-week class being able to take 30 people, often had a waiting list of the same number.

Over the past year, I’ve seen dwindling numbers at all classes and 3 centres dropping BC from the schedule. Most classes at my local gym are now between ½ and ¾ full. There could be a number of reasons for this, it could be regional/local as well, but I suspect there might be a greater underlying explanation.

BodyCombat has for the past 3 releases shifted dramatically. 63 was in my opinion the worse release ever. 64 at least eliminated some of the poor choices in 63 and 65 a bit more again. Based purely on my very limited experience and sampling size I venture the following hypothesis:

When I started BC

  • There were full classes and waiting lists
  • Man to women ratio was between 5% and 15%
  • Participants ages were predominately 30+
  • Music for tracks was typically catchy pop songs and dance music
  • Almost all exercises (track 2-8) were combat and martial art inspired

Since release 63

  • We have dwindling numbers at classes
  • Man to women ratio is between 10% and 25%
  • Participants ages are evenly split between over and under 30’s
  • Music is hard rock/metal based – music with attitude
  • There are regularly exercises which have nothing to do with combat or martial art

We are in Copenhagen gifted with the most excellent and inspiring instructors. At the 65 release one of them introduced a track telling us that BC was changing style, to a more aggressive in your face attitude based concept. I can see this might have a greater appeal to men and/or to the young. I also think that if you take an extremely popular program and significantly shift its concept and style – maybe because you want to increase attendance from men and the younger generation- you are bound to lose a number of those people who joined in the first place.

I have taken 24 BC classes during the 8 weeks that mixing was allowed after release-64. Not counting tracks 1, 9 and 10, I have only come across Black Widow, La Nina Mechanica and (admittedly) Hot Right Now from 64 and only Badboi and Shine from 63. Our instructors give us what we want. We DO have a few of the old-timers liking the new stuff including track 4, but most of us don’t like it and don’t want it.

I absolutely hate going to the floor in 4. I am not particularly fond of the HIT in 5, though I think 65 is making the best out of something bad. What I really want to know is: Is this the beginning of a greater shift? Should I stick with BC or should I look for some other program that suits my needs better?

I still think Releases are a party, but my mind is now at a place where I see the 4 weeks of locked classes as a “payment” in order to enjoy the 8 weeks of free mixes; and really… that just can’t be right?

Piemonte tour del vino 2015

Siamo due coppie che avevamo deciso di fare un weekend lungo in Piemonte. Siamo partiti dopo lavoro giovedì, avendo prenotato degustazioni e ristoranti in anticipo, e siamo tornati tardi domenica notte.Landscape 02

Alloggio Casale Mattei a Corneliano d’Alba
Le autostrade in Italia sono ottime e segnalate bene, ma detto questo diviene un po’ più complicato. In generale, anche con il GPS, abbiamo grancasale_esternode difficultà trovare luoghi – se ci sono segni, non sono ben posizionati. Questo vale sia per le cantine, sia per i ristoranti e gli alloggi. Beh, ovviamente siamo sempre riusciti, e quando abbiamo alla fine trovato il Casale Mattei, ne è valsa la pena. Un alloggio molto piacevole con 4 stanze – la padrona di casa è molto disponibile, e tutto sembrava confortevole e intimo. Anche se la padrona parlava solo un po’ dell’inglese, siamo riusciti a gesticolare i nostri bisogni. La prima sera, arrivando tardi, ci siamo ritrovati nell’unica pizzeria in città ancora aperta. Molto locale e buono come inizio.

Produttore di vino Cornarea a Vezza d’Alba
Dopo una buonissima colazione nel intimo edificio che nel passato fungeva da stalla siamo andati dal primo produttore di vino e abbiamo cominciato da un giro dei vigneti. Fuoristrada non necessaria, ma consigliata 🙂 – I filari di viti più in alto vengono raccolti tardi, dopo di che l’uva viene lasciata un paio di mesi per diventare uva passa e alla fine diventa Tarasco.
Tornati nella cantina, uno dei due figli (del proprietario originario) e sua moglie hanno condutto la degustazione. Abbiamo pagato un po’ in più per assaggiare prodotti locale insieme alla degustazione — consistevano del loro salame tradizionale e diversi formaggi di capra e mucca. È stato abbastanza buono, ma non proprio “value for money”.
Roero Arneis – Profumo intenso. Gusto fine e secco, floreale di corpo ma poco persistente. La mancanza di persistenza può essere spiegato del fatto che il vino (con mio sorpreso) sia stato servito troppo freddo.
André – Un colore fantastico di giallo ambrato. Interessante profumo profondo. Meraviglioso armonico e persistente fresco gusto fruttato con sfumatura di quercia. Un vino bianco con aspirazione di diventare rosso.
Roero Nebbiolo – Colore brillante. Piacevole profumo e gusto. Oltre a un profumo fruttato, liquirizia è anche abbastanza intenso, ma non troppo nel gusto. Era ovvio che Cornarea concentra più sui vini bianchi.
Tarasco – Vino da dessert simile a Sauterne. Fantastico colore dorato con un profumo molto intenso. Gusto persistente, intenso ed armonico; non stucchevole per niente.
Abbiamo comprato qualche bottiglia di Roero Nebbiolo e Tarasco. Ora rimpiango di non aver comprato un paio di bottiglie di André – era curioso.

Produttore di vino Pietro a Vezza d’Alba
Tasting-03Una cantina molto bella e ben curata, con tante aiole e vasi da fiori in ed intorno al cortile. Era l’ultimo giorno del raccolto, e un paio di ore prima hanno avuto un tipo di festa per tutti i lavoratori, la nostra padrona di casa ci ha detto che in media ogni persona aveva bevuto una bottiglia di vino. Impossibile da vedere; tutto era in ordine. Di nuovo ci siamo stati offerti di andare ai campi, ma perché avevamo anche una terza visita più tardi quel giorno, il tempo stringeva. Quindi, dopo un breve giro, abbiamo scelto di continuare direttamente con la degustazione.
Vineyard-01La degustazione si è tenuta fuori sulla terrazza al sole piacevole e 24 gradi. Volevamo degustare i loro tre bianchi. Abbiamo dovuto dire di no a un solo rosso, di nuovo perché i tempi erano stretti.
Roero Arneis – Cristallino colore dorato. Profumo floreale e poco intenso. Meraviglioso gusto secco e un po’ floreale con sfumature di frutta, anche poco intenso.
Langhe Favorita – La nostra prima degustazione dell’uva Favorita. Meraviglioso profumo floreale, e persistente gusto armonico e robusto.
Farnei – ½ Arneis/Favorita – Sorprendente piacevole gusto, mantenendo le qualità dell’uva Favorita senza essere così intenso.

Produttore di vino GIGI Bianco a Barberesco
Le prime due visite erano state organizzate da “Piemonte on Wine“, ma la visita da GIGI Bianco abbiamo organizzato direttamente con Susanna Bianco. E attenzione, vi svelo il finale: Insieme a la visita più tardi al Ristorante Vagabondi è stato senza dubbio il culmine della gita. Dopo un giro in attraversando bellissimi paesaggi, il paese Barbaresco, e GIGI Bianco ci si trova sotto la famosa torre. Davvero… che luogo, che personalità, che vini… Producono 18 000 bottiglie all’anno — e danno impiego a 7 persone a tempo pieno e altro 3 part-time. È quindi una produzione molto piccola. Hanno tutte le certificazioni e tengono le loro botti e la loro attrezzatura SOTTO “la torre” in centro del paese Barbaresco. Come ho già scritto, la degustazione anche è avvenuta lì.
Barbaresco TowerVini:
Abbiamo attraversato la loro lista di vini intera dal basso verso l’alto. Però, la quantità del vino nel bicchiere era probabilmente la più piccola tra le bicchieri che avevamo già degustati. Bastava solo per prendere un profumo e un gusto. Per questa gita i bevitori avevamo deciso di portare con sé un autista, perciò il secchiello non veniva molto usato. Tre vini in particolare si sono distinti.
Langhe Nebbiolo – Molto piacevole. Profumo fine e robusto e un gusto equilibrato.
Barbera d’Alba – Profumo fine pieno di frutta, che insieme a quercia era anche riflesso in un gusto armonico e robusto. Si sente gli acidi dopo. Uno dei vini più buoni del gita e anche il vino di cui abbiamo comprato di più.
Barrel-02Barberesco Ovello – Abbiamo cominciato con il 2011 di un punteggio molto elevato con molto tannino, ma senza dubbio bevibile anche adesso. Dopo di questo, abbiamo continuato con il 2009, e il gruppo si è diviso. Secondo me il 2009 con il suo muscolo e corpo armonico e speziato è meglio del 2011 e con quasi la stessa potenziale.
Un’altro membro del gruppo sentiva che il 2009 era buono, ma non tanto buono quanto il 2011, e che la sua potenziale è limitata. Ovviamente, abbiamo deciso di comprate 2 bottiglie del 2009 e 2 del 2011 e abbiamo organizzato 2 appuntamenti nel futuro. Faremo una degustazione di entrambi nell’estate del 2016 e di nuovo nel 2017. Allora vedremo chi ha ragione.

Ristorante Osteria del Vignaiolo in La Morra
l-osteria-del-vignaioloAbbiamo cominciato con un bicchiere di vino, bevuto sulla loro terrazza. La selezione della carta dei vini era grande per bottiglie interi, ma non c’era molto tra cui sceglere per i bicchieri soli. Due di noi hanno ordinato il menu di degustazione mentre le altre due hanno scelto il menu à la carte. Mi ricordo che abbiamo bevuto un buono Campass Barbera d’Alba, ma per dir la verità, dopo tre grandi degustazioni di vino più il resto, non mi ricordo tanti dettagli dalla cena, e curiosamente, non ho preso appunti.

Il Mercato di Alba
Alba_MarketAd Alba, il sabbato, c’è un mercato fantastico in cui si trova diversi prodotti fatti a mano ad alta qualità nelle bancarelle situati sulle strade e nelle piazze.

Risto-pub Attaccati al Fusto ad Alba
Ci siamo allontanati dalla strada principiale La Vittorio Emanuele e sono riusciti a trovare un bar piccolo e accogliente con una lista di birre enorme! Con una grande selezione di vini, piatti buoni e birra e la possibilità di sedersi fuori e godersi il sole e le 22 gradi è stato un pranzo meraviglioso dopo un po’ di shopping.

Ristorante Locanda Dei Vagabondi a Corneliano d’Alba
Nel 2014 abbiamo soggiornato in Canale d’Alba. In un libro comprato nel centro turistico abbiamo trovato un ristorante che sembrava accogliente e situato solo 10-15 km dal nostro alloggio. È stata una scoperta fantastica. Divertente, nascosto in un cortile dietro un cancello chiuso, abbiamo scoperto un ristorante molto accogliente e pieno zeppo in cui eravamo gli unici stranieri. Non c’era né menu né lista di vini e il servizio è stato gentile, amichevole e cortese. Questo anno abbiamo soggiornato a Corneliano, e abbiamo chiesto a nostra padrona di casa di consigliarci un ristorante locale. Nonostante “niente libero” lei era riuscita di fare una prenotazione, e quando abbiamo raggiunto il ristorante, seguendo le sue istruzioni, ci siamo subito accorti che siamo tornati al ristorante del anno scorso!
Questa volta eravamo seduti nella principale sala da pranzo e ammiravamo le foto e trofei del proprietario dai sui tempi giocando per FC Torino. Quando abbiamo tentato di domandare del suo passato, ha riso e confermato, ma subito ha voluto sapere se eravamo tifosi di Juventus. Gli abbiamo risposto sinceramente di no, e tutto andava bene, ma non oso pensare alla conseguenza se abbiamo risposto di sì. (Per dir la verità, il giovane cameriere, l’unico che parlava un po’ dell’inglese, ci ha detto che tifava lui per Juventus – e a loro due piaceva lo sfottò).
the-bossNon ci sono menu. La cucina prepara e serve una cena italiana intera con tutti i piatti, e quando i piatti sono pronti, tutti vengono serviti nello stesso momento direttamente dalle pentole. Quanto ai vini, devi dire quale vitigno d’uva vuoi, e ti viene servito il vino che il ristorante ha di quel vitigno in quel momento. Abbiamo scelto di rivisitare il Favorita e abbiamo anche assaggiato il loro Barbaresco e Barbera d’Alba. Consiglio caldamente di cenare da Vagabondi se sei nella regione d’Alba e cerchi qualcosa tipico e molto buono.

Produttore di vino Prunotto Bussia a Cuneo d’Alba
Tasting-01A quanto pare, siamo stati tra i primi ospiti nelle nuove strutture di Prunotto. Perciò, tutto appariva nuovo e bello.
La sala da degustazione aveva molto luce e uno splendido panorama delle colline di Barolo. Questa degustazione locale di Barolo è stata la prima volta per noi. Il prezzo standard di una degustazione è €5. Qualche volta diviene gratuito, in particolare se si compra vini, e in certi posti è gratis dall’inizio. Una volta abbiamo pagato €10. Bottle-03
Qui costa €15 a testa senza niente di speciale in confronto alle visite in altri posti. €5 o €10 non rompono il budget, ma quando il prezzo è tre volte più grande del prezzo degli altri posti, si aspetta qualcosa in più. Erano certamente buoni vini e il nostro padrone di casa era molto esperto, amichevole e divertente e senza dubbio parla inglese migliore del tutti che abbiamo incontrato nel gita. I vini che abbiamo degustato erano come previsto buoni e di qualità – senza essere formidabili o unici. Nonostante avevamo già comprati tanti bottiglie, avevamo deciso di fare spazio per altre 6 bottiglie in caso di vini straordinari. Qui non abbiamo comprato niente 🙂

Mercato medievale e mercato delle pulci ad Asti
Fair-01 Asti è stata un’esperienza molto interessante. C’era una mostra di macchine d’epoca nella grande piazza e un mercato medievale nel centro storico, zona pedonale inclusa. Qui si poteva vedere artigianato classico e c’erano banchi che servivano piatti tradizionali e tipici.
Pizza, per esempio, viene preparata in forni di mattone, costruiti sul posto nella zona pedonale e riscaldati col fuoco. Ci siamo ritrovati in un’enoteca fantastica con il minimo instabile wi-fi che bastava per vedere FCK perdere 1-0 contro Brøndby. Abbiamo bevuto un Cornarea (curiosamente lo stesso della prima visita) mentre aspettavamo una tavola libera, e con pranzo una fantastica birra locale a base di grano. C’è anche un mercato delle pulci domenica – enorme con centinaia di bancarelle. Se sei appassionato di questo, puoi trascorrere molto tempo solo dare un’occhiata a tutto.

Shopping a Milano
Maria Nescati Church_loSiamo arrivati a Milano presto la domenica sera, ma c’è vita e negozi aperti ovunque. È all’altezza di New York e Parigi riguardo l’atmosfera e vita, ma è molto caro sia fare il shopping sia mangiare/bere. Penso che sia un luogo in cui ritorniamo per restare più a lungo – le 3 ore che abbiamo passato a Milano non bastavano per niente.

Review of Les Mills BodyCombat Release 64

On the web you can find many reviews of every new BodyCombat release.  Often written by an instructor who – based on training and experience – has a good understanding of how a program is put together and choreographed. So if you want an objective technical analysis of a release, I recommend you look for one of those. I could recommend Tommy Damani who, in a very entertaining and energetic way, provides tips and tricks and no-bullshit review of the release.

I am subjective and I only express my own point of view as experienced from the studio floor. As an ordinary class participant, I describe how I see the release. This gives me a tool to categorise and organise my own experience and I hope others might get something out of it, not least something to disagree with, so we might be able to discuss aspects of the release. Stay with the fight!

On the 64 release date, I tried for the first time a double serving. I started at the Birkerød release 9:35 and then went straight to Fisketorvet for their 13:15 release. Birkerød had booked the large studio upstairs, but in the end only 27 showed up. Numbers have slightly dwindled for the past couple of months and when you add the holiday high-season, it is not such a surprisingly low number after all. Later on at Fisketorvet we were only 8. I have never experienced a full class on Fisketorvet.

After having been through Release 64 a total of 7 times, I think I am ready to express an opinion.

1a Warm-up Upper 5:00 ***** Freaks (Timmy Trumpet & Savage)
Lively and cheerful music opens the party with a few Shoots building up to a Hooks and Uppercuts combo. As with the rest of the release, pretty simple choreography, all though on a bad day I might not hit the rhythm for the double bounce exactly.

1b Warm-up legs 4:39 ****** Can’t You See (Shermanology & GRX)
1a flows straight into 1b’s 3 knees  without missing as much as a beat. I really like that; there is no need or other good reason to pause between upper and lower warm-up. It starts with a series of Frontkicks followed by R/L series of Sidekicks with perfectly matched music. I find that the advantage with long series is, that you can gradually work on improving your technique and/or height, making just minor adjustments from one kick to the other. I really can’t find anything wrong with this warm-up, so full score.

2 Combat I 2:12 **** I’m Shipping Up To Boston (Sway Spice)
Very short track 2. I sense a bit of an inside joke in choosing Irish themed music, as the knee and front kick combinations could look a little bit like Riverdancing. The Jump kicks work well, but I could do with more instructors reminding class that it’s a stationary Jump kick, so only one single step forward to start it off.

3 Power I 7:29 ***** You’ve Got The Love – Breeze & Modulate Remix (Sosumi feat. Missy DJ)
This is a nice long power track with Jabs/Crosses/Hooks combinations. Initially I had some difficulty finding the rhythm between the 4 jacks and 2 squats, until I just did 6 jacks with built-in squats on the last 2.  Very good match between music and choreography.

4 Combat II 4:13 ** Blast Off (The Basic Proton)
This track had all opportunities to score very highly with me. I love Sidekicks and I love long series. The music is great… and then, damn it, on the floor again as we did in 63. At least this time only push-ups and no stupid bear-crawls. And quite a few push-ups to get through. Because of that challenge and for ditching the bear-crawls I give the track 2 stars, one more than 63-4. But honestly, enough is enough. OK, I know we’ll do it again-again in 65 and can we then call it a day? Check with instructors and classes. Yes, there are a few participants liking it and yes, 63-4 and 64-4 do make rare appearances in mixes, but nowhere close to the number the other tracks do, so listen to the message, please.
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5 Power II 5:57 ** Hot Right Now – Jag Skillz VIP Mix (DJ Fresh)
I don’t mind HIIT training. Whenever I feel like that particular style, I can join any number of different GRIT classes. But series not designed to run in sync with the music has no place in a BodyCombat program. In 65 they do address that issue, and from what I’ve tried, it seems a much better way to introduce HI into Combat.

6 Combat III 3:11 ****** Black Widow (Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora)
Track 6 is my favorite track from this release. It’s really nice for the legs and reminds me of another favorite, Y.A.L.A. (62-6). Music is great and fits the choregraphy with the gradual development from small capoeira style steps to lunges.

7 Muay Thai 7:57 ****** La Nina Mechanica (Engine Florida)
In general Muay Thai is the track I really look forward to during a normal (mixed) BodyCombat class. There are just so many good ones: Blade, Braveheart, Metal Combat, Excalibur, Ravers Paradise and from the newer releases: Kryptonite & Let the Beat Go.
This is definitely not bad. Both Side and Descending elbows contribute well, and the many repeated knees can be utilised fully. The push kick doesn’t do it for me, a bit too slow, but all-in-all a good track I am quite sure we’ll see in future mixes. It would have been the best for me, if I hadn’t already picked track 6 🙂

8 Power III 6:37 ***** If You Surrender (The Truly)
Not so much to say about the last power track. I belong to what I suspect is a minority who actually like the gi-pull. But I have talked to others and I am not the only one who thinks the 6½ minutes feel a lot faster. That in itself, in some way, must be a good sign for the last Power Track.

9 Styrke 3:24 ***** Shell Shocked (The Proven Lab)
My personal goal in this track is to get through the whole ABS program, all the way, without cheating. Gotta help me on my way to a six-pack. haven’t achieved it yet, but this 9 should help.

10 Cooldown  4:00 ***** Simply Amazing (Trey Songz)
Nice cool down and I like the variation with the crossed one-legged pull.

I give the release *****(5) out of ******(6) possible stars.
Good and appropriate music, easy choreography and excelelnt leg exercises all pushes the score up. Track4 and 5 pulls it down a bit.

Complete List of BodyCombat music for all releases

1. My heart will go on– Celine Dion
2. Ready or not– The Course
3. Barracuda– Barracuda
4. We will rock you– Interactive
5. You can’t touch this– MC Hammer
6. Shake a tail feather– Ray Charles
7. Another one bites the dust – Captain Jack
8. Bad case of loving you– Robert Palmer
9. You’re my heart, you’re my soul– Modern Talking feat. Eric Singleton
10. Music– John Miles

1. Eye of the Tiger
– Survivor
2. It’s my life– Dr Alban
3. Gonna make you sweat– C&C Music Factory
4. Revolution– N Guerrieri & A Guerrieri
5. Frozen– Madonna
6. Manic– Michael Sembello7.Techno – N Guerrieri & A Guerrieri
7. Footloose– Kenny Loggins
8. Living in America– James Brown
9. Du hast – Rammstein

BODYCOMBAT 3  **Has been withdrawn**
1. Was born to love you– Worlds Apart
2. You really got me– Van Halen
3. Get ready for this– 2 Unlimited
4. Mambo no.5– Lou Bega
5. Alright now– The Moderns
6. Far from over– Frank Stallone
7. Nervous breakdown – N Guerrieri
8. Simply irresistable– Robert Palmer
9. Livin’ la vida loca– Ricky Martin
10. Time to Say Goodbye– Andrea Bocelli/Sarah Brightman

1. The immortals Techno– Syndrome 7 Mix
2. I can’t stand it– Twenty 4 Seven
3. No limit– 2 Unlimited
4. Fush– ZZ Top
5. Larger than life– Backstreet Boys
6. Lethal droids– Epidemic
7. Its on your own– Real McCoy
8. Grease Lightning– John Travolta
9. Ice Ice Baby– Vanilla Ice
10. Live and let die– Guns N’ Roses

1. Total eclipse of the heart
– Nicky French
2. Don’t leave me this way– Edison Cordeiro
3. Everybody get up– Five
4. I was made for loving you– Kiss
5. Ghostbusters– Ray Parker
6. Stomp to my beat– JS:16
7. Countdown– DJ Tururu
8. Great balls of fire– Jerry Lee Lewis
9. We will rock you– Five
10. Mission Impossible – Larry Mullen/Adam Clayton

1. I don’t want to miss a thing
– Déjà vu Feat. Tasmin
2. Tubthumping– Bianca & Co
3. Freak out– Emphasis
4. Sex bomb– Tom Jones and Mousse T
5. Te Quiero Buenos Aires– N Guerrieri/A Guerrieri
6. Rofo’s Theme – Infinity
7. Call Me (99 summer mix)– Mr Jazz
8. Ballroom Blitz– Sweet
9. Twist and Shout– Salt ‘N’ Pepa
10. Who Wants To Live Forever– Queen

1. Twilight Zone
– 2 Unlimited
2. Don’t You (Forget About Me)– 2000 Decoy
3. Phatt Bass (The Blade Theme)– Warp Brothers vs Aquagen
4. Get Over It– Eagles
5. Relax– Frankie Goes To Hollywood
6. Fire– Scooter
7. Jump– Southside Rockers
8. Jailhouse Rock– The Blues Brothers
9. Freestyler– Bomfunk MC’s
10. I’d Do Anything For Love– Meat Loaf

1. Against All Odds
– Déjà vu Feat. Tasmin
2. Sandstorm– Darude
3. Cum On Feel The Noize– Quiet Riot
4. Baby I’m On Fire– Ace Warrior
5. Ihr Seid So Leise– Aquagen
6. Let’s Go Crazy– Prince & The Revolution
7. U drive me crazy– Waldo’s People
8. Playing In A Travelling Band– Creedence Clearwater Revival
9. Get Another Boyfriend– Backstreet Boys
10. The Saint– Orbital

1. Shout (Japan Remix)
– DJ Miko
2. Samba De Janiero– Martini
3. Partyalarm (Und Ab Geht’s)– Aquagen
4. Walking On Sunshine– Katrina & The Waves
5. The Call (Thunderpuss Mix)– Backstreet Boys
6. Garota de Berlim– Tokyo
7. Kung Fu Fighting– Busstop
8. Far From Over– Frank Stallone
9. The Wild Boys – Duran Duran
10. Adios Nonino Orquesta…– Colon Jose Carli

1. The Revolution
– Scooter
2. Just Can’t Get Enough– Starlight
3. Get Ready For This– 2 Unlimited
4. Mi Perro Dinamita Patricio Rey y Los– Recorditos Fe Ricota
5. My Sharona– DJ Miko
6. Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol
7. Right Type Of Mood– DJ Herbie
8. If Ya Getting Down– Five
9. I Love Rock ‘n Roll– Joan Jett
10. Funiculi Funicula– Luciano Pavarotti

1. Let’s Dance
– Five
2. Game Over– Club Caviar
3. We’re Not Gonna Take It– Bif Naked
4. Lady Marmalade– Christina Aguilera/Lil’kim/Mya/Pink
5. Excalibur– Nick Skitz
6. Smoke On The Water– D J Moore
7. Survivor– Destiny’s Child
8. Loaded– Ricky Martin
9. Heaven’s On Fire– Star
10. Sing– Travis

1. Shape Of My Heart
– Circle 99
2. Electric Avenue– Mask
3. Rocking The Spot– Bomfunk Mc’s
4. There You’ll Be – Booshida
5. Beat It– Shadows
6. Because We Can– Fatboy Slim
7. Long Train Running– DJ’s Brothers
8. Rock da Bass Ultimate– Buzz feat. M.C.Bee
9. God Gave Me Everything– Mick Jagger
10. Bohemian Rhapsody– Queen

1. Drowning
– Boyz Boyz
2. Dance The Planet– DJ Taylor & Flow
3. Call Me Manana– Scooter
4. Runaway – Bon Jovi
5. Funky Town (Dance Remix)– Pseudo Echo
6. No Satisfaction– Fine
7. Sledgehammer (Illicit Mix) – Peter Gabriel
8. Symphony No 9– Capo Ferraro
9. 99 Red Balloons– Goldfinger
10. Tarakihi– Kiri Te Kanawa

1. Wild Boys (Wilder Than Wild Boys)
– Duran Duran
2. Smooth Criminal– Pump 69
3. Spiderman– The Ramones
4. New Sensation– INXS
5. Big In Japan– King & Queen
6. Bites Da Dust– Planet Perfecto
7. Our Reservation– Desperation
8. Furia– Mal
9. Another Brick In The Wall– Roger Waters
10. Fallin’– Alicia Keys

1. Sometimes
– Alisha
2. Impossible Mission– New Mission
3. Calling From Tokyo– DJ Moonraker
4. R U Ready For War– DJ Highlander
5. Sweet Dreams– CNA
6. Devoted (O Sole Mio)– Karuzo
7. Shake– The Clock
8. Ride On Time– Black Box
9. A Little Less Conversation– Elvis vs JXL
10. Purple Rain– Prince and the Revolution

1. Music Was My First Love
– Waxxman feat. Ian Cussick
2. The Whistle Song– DJ Aligator
3. Addicted To Love– Motiv8 Meets Robert Palmer
4. Blow Ya Mind– Lock ‘n’ Load
5. Faster, Harder, Scooter– Dee Jay Kee
6. Time Of My Life– LMF
7. Jump– The Movement
8. Redliner– Nick Skitz
9. L’Ultimo Dei Mohicani– Arkimed
10. Feuer Frei– Rammstein

1. The Sound of Silence
– E.C.O.H
2. Move It– MC Mario
3. Move your ass– Scooter
4. Rhythm is a dancer 2003– Snap!
5. Operation Blade– Public Domain
6. Dreamer– Supreme Dream Team
7. Armada– Gung Ho
8. Ludwig is Alive– Opera
9. Back in Black– AC/DC
10. Anytime, Anywhere– Sarah Brightman

1. (I just) died in your arms
– Resource
2. Thunderstruck– Blizzard Brothers
3. Endless Summer– Scooter
4. Don’t Go– Andre Visor
5. Old times rock & roll– Little Bit
6. Anything for love– Perfecto
7. Don’t Stop – Public Domain
8. Razzia 2– M
9. Not gonna get us– Tatu
10. James Bond theme– Bond vs Oakenfold

1. I Like Chopin (Rainy Daze)
2. Never Surrender– 2 Unlimited
3. Mangas Verdes– Greensleeves
4. Where Are You– Paffendorf
5. Friends– Scooter
6. Maniac 2002– Return feat. Michael Sembello
7. Tempo– The Prophet
8. Monstersound– Balloon
9. We Are Family– We Are Family All Stars
10. Sorry Seems To Be The– Hardest Word

1. Slave To The Music
– Nick Skitz
2. U Can’t Touch This– Beam Vs Cyrus feat. MC Hammer
3. Set You Free– N-Trance
4. Blood Is Pumpin’– Voodoo & Serano
5. Sk8er Boy– Lulu
6. Cult Of Snap!– Snap! Vs Roy Malone
7. I Don’t Need Nobody– Scott Brown
8. Baddest Muther– Lisa Pinup
9. One Of My Kind– Rogue Traders Vs INXS
10. Now We Are Free– Lisa Gerrard With The Air

1. Feeling Fine
– Ultrabeat
2. The Roof Is On Fire– The Grim Reaper
3. Everyday– Geos feat. Becky
4. Rising Up – DJ Quicksilver
5. Dead Ringer For Love– Meat Loaf
6. Take My Breath Away– Soda Club feat. Hannah Alethea
7. Going Insane– Warp Brothers
8. Prince Of Darkness– Plus System
9. Somebody To Love– Boogie Pimps
10. Top Gun Anthem– Harold Faltermeyer & Steve Stevens

1. If I Were You
– Candee Jay
2. Kickstart My Heart– Combat Crew
3. Injected With A Poison (Hixxy’s HTID Remix)– Praga Khan
4. Holding Out For A Hero– Bionic Ear
5. Crashed The Wedding– Busted
6. Shake Ya Shimmy– Porn Kings vs Flip n Fill feat. 740 Boyz
7. The 6th Gate– Dougal & Gammer
8. Now Is The Time– Scott Brown vs DJ Rabs
9. Let’s Get It Started– The Black Eyed Peas
10. Cry Little Sister – Gerard McMann

1. Stuck On You (Club Version)
– Mark Oh
2. Rok Da Floor– Pimp
3. Field Of Dreams (Hixxy Remix)– Flip & Feel
4. Take A Break– Scooter
5. Rebel Yell– Billy Idol
6. YMCA (Almighty Millenium Mix)– Village People
7. Hardcore Paradise– DJ Spark feat. XLR
8. Retro Rush– Brisk & Fade
9. Stop The Rock– Apollo Four Forty
10. Breathe Easy– Blue

1. Glory Of Love
– Index
2. Livin’ On A Prayer– Heavy Dance
3. I Feel Alive– Insight
4. Sexy (Skitz Short Mixx)– French Affair
5. She Bangs– Ricky Martin
6. Full Metal Jackass– Special D
7. Hit ‘Em– Tha Playah
8. Nami– Sonic Boom Boys
9. Sound Of The Underground– Girls Aloud
10. Blaze Of Glory– Bon Jovi

1a. Angels (Zander Edit)
 – Ultra-Sonic
1b. Dancing Up A Storm (Skitz Airplay Edit) – Tim Belly
2. Kickin Hard– Brooklyn Bounce
3. Luv U More– DJ Paul Elstak
4. Jigga Jigga(Flip & Fill Remix) – Scooter
5. Power Of Love – Frog’ A Billy
6. Sweet Child Of Mine (Cheeky Trax Remix)– DJ Milano
7. Electro Violence– Independence Days
8. Crescendos Of Ecstasy– DJ Kevin Energy
9. War– Edwin Starr
10. Red Warrior– Hans Zimmer

(Something Inside) So Strong – Rochelle
1bKingston Town – 89ers
2. Guitar Damage (Short Clubb Mixx)– Nick Skitz
3. Scream– Billy Idol
4. Bagpipes (Club Mix)– DJ Krid P
5. I’m So Excited– Maximum
6. Fighter– KopyKatz
7. Rhythm & Police (K.O.G G3 Mix)– CJ Crew feat. Christian D
8. Night Life (Dougal & Gammer Remix)– Hixxy
9. Pump It– The Black Eyed Peas
10. I’ll Stand By You– Girls Aloud

Shake That (CJ Stone Mix) -Scooter
1bBom Bom Suenan (Cascada Radio Edit) -Freddy Fader Meets Locana
2. Out In The Fields– HeavyDance
3. Genie In A Bottle– Speedway
4. Tribal Dance 2.4 (Xtreme Sound Radio Edit)– 2 Unlimited
5. Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting-Dynamix
6. Bad & Sexy (Radio Version)– Balloon
7. So What! (M Edit)– Independence Days
8. Neck Breaker– Plus System
9. I Believe In A Thing Called Love– The Darkness
10. When Love & Hate Collide– Def Leppard

Listen To Your Heart – ColorBox
1bTrouble – Pink
2. The Final Countdown– HeavyDance
3. Come With Me (Hixxy Remix)– Special D
4. Push It Again– DJ Lawless vs Oliver Swab
5. Hymn– Tina Cousins
6. Hung Up – SBI
7. Fight– KopyKatz
8. Reach Out– Maximum
9. Switch – Will Smith
10. Because Of You– Kelly Clarkson

Thank You (Radio Edit) – Flexter
1bSmells Like Teen Spirit – The Warp Brothers
2. Action– Def Leppard
3. Fly Away– Maximum
4. Blade (200 Radio Edit)– Warp Brothers feat Red Monkey
5. Wasabi– Lee Harding
6. Vogue– Paffendorf
7. The Trooper– Group X
8. Heartbeatz (Re-Con Remix)– Styles & Breeze feat. Karen Danzig
9. Bounce/Shake/Move/Stop!– MVP
10. Broken– Sether feat. Amy Lee

Apache Rocks The Bottom! (Radio Edit) – Scooter
1bSomebody Told Me – The Killers
2. We’re Not Gonna Take It– Group X
3. Shooting Star– ColorBox
4. Rock Me Amadeus– Zen Dog
5. Shock To The System– Billy Idol
6. Bring The Noise (Short Original Mix)– Double Dutch
7. We Will Rock (Skitz Radio Mix)– Nick Skitz and Remix
8. Paradise– Hixxy & Re-Con
9. Paradise City– Guns N’ Roses
10. Because We Believe – Andrea Bocelli & Marco Borsato

Ready 2 Go (Stagediverz Restarted Radio Mix) – Stagediverz
1bRock This Party (Everybody Dance Now) – Bob Sinclar
2. Save Your Life! (Warp Brothers Radio Edit) – Black Spider
3. 2 Dream– Pistolet
4. You Give Love A Bad Name– Group X
5. Bad Reputation– OneZeroOne
6. U + Ur Hand (Clean Version)– Pink
7. We Rock– Group X
8. Back In The UK– Scooter
9. Bite The Dust– The Pussycat Dolls
10. Hero– Chad Kroeger feat Josey Scott

License To Chill (Radio Mixx) – Nick Skitz
1bDance! (Radio Edit) – Goleo VI presents Lumidee vs Fatman Scoop
2. School’s Out– Krokus
3. Dream To Me– Dario G vs Hixxy
4. Call Me When You’re Sober– Evanescence
5. Don’t Stop Me Now– McFly
6. Leave Me Alone (I’m Lonely) (Clean Version)– Pink
7. Check Your Head– Ultra-Sonic
8. Welcome To The Black Parade– My Chemical Romance
9. Here I Come – Fergie
10. In The Air Tonight– Nonpoint

Think About The Way (Radio Edit) – Frisco v Ice MC
1bMundian To Bach Ke (Motivo Hi-Lectro Radio Edit) – Panjabi MC
2. Everybodys Screaming!!!– Lostprophets
3. Angel Eyes– ColorBox
4. This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race– Fall Out Boy
5. Girlfriend– Avril Lavigne
6. Behind The Cow– Scooter
7. Run To The Hills– Iron Maiden
8. U R My Phantasy (DS Mix)– Sy & Unknown feat. Lou Lou
9. I’mma Shine– Youngbloodz
10. Vienna – Infernal

Summermelody (89ers Remix) – H2K
1bDoes The Fish Have Chips? – Scooter
2. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs– Fall Out Boy
3. The Way (Put Your Hand In My Hand)– Party Playaz
4. Lights Out (Chris Vrenna Remix)– POD
5. Elevator– KopyKatz
6. Shut Up And Drive– Rihanna
7. 1-2-3-4– Ultra-Sonic
8. Believe In Me (DJ Breeze Remix)– Sy and Unknown feat Lou Lou
9. We Got It Going On (With Big and Rich)– Bon Jovi
10. What Have You Done– Within Temptation feat Keith Caputo

Amazed (Pascal mix) – Dancing DJs feat. Caroline Griffin
1bTick Tick Boom – The Hives
2. The United Vibe– Scooter
3. Piece Of Heaven– Wave
4. Jump– Group X (Van Halen)
5. You can’t stop the beat– Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes and Queen Latifah
6. That’s Right– Ciara feat. Lil John
7. The Pretender– Foo Fighters
8. Heaven– Tokyo Haze / DJ Sammy and Yanou
9. I Don’t Want To Be In Love (Dance Floor Anthem)– Good Charlotte
10. No One (Curtis Lynch Reggae mix)– Alicia Keys

Walking In Memphis – Master Blaster
1bJames Bond Theme – Moby
2. Born To Be Wild– Hinder
3. Magic Touch (Squad E Mix)– M&C feat. Rebecca Rudd
4. Zombie– Andrew Spencer & The Vamprockerz
5. Don’t You Wanna Feel – Rogue Traders
6. Bad– Badlands Inc
7. Party Non Stop– Ultra-Sonic
8. Good To Me– Re-con & Squad E
9. Gonna Fly Now (John X Remix)– Natalie Wilde
10. World In Union 95– Ladysmith Black Mambazo feat PJ Powers

Summer Of ‘69 – Mega-mania
1bI Never Liked You – Rogue Traders
2. Beat It– Fall Out Boy feat. John Mayer
3. Baby I’ll Let You Know– Darren Styles vs Hypasonic
4. We Will Survive– Warp Brothers/The Great Bouzouki – Krid P
5. How Far We’ve Come– Matchbox Twenty
6. Stamp– Jeremy Healy & Amos
7. Let The Beat Control Your Body– 2 Unlimited
8. Sea Of Love (Hixxy Remix)– Frisco
9. Church– T-Pain featuring Teddy Verseti
10. Our Solemn Hour– Within Temptation

Writing On The Wall – 2–4 Grooves
1bBecause The Night – Cascada
2. Try It Again– The Hives
3. Like I Feel (Squad E Mix)– D:Code feat. Emma
4aHeadbangerz Rock Da Club – Nick Skitz
4bCold As Ice – Starsplash
5. The Best Damn Thing– Avril Lavigne
6. No Good (Start The Dance)– The Prodigy
7. Raver’s Paradise – Nick Skitz feat MC BB (Stadium Mix)
8. What Hurts The Most (Al Storm Remix)– Cascada
9. When I Grow Up– The Pussycat Dolls
10. Say (All I Need)– OneRepublic

The One And Only (Topmodelz Radio Cut) – Mario Lopez
1bCalling All Lovers – Rogue Traders
2. Cum On Feel The Noise– Group X
3. Come With Me (Unique Mix)– Styles & Breeze
4. Jump That Rock (Whatever You Want)– Scooter vs Status Quo
5. Johnny B Goode– The Undertow
6. So What– Pink
7. Hardcore Angel– Nick Skitz
8. Cry For You (Weaver Remix)– September
9. I Won’t Be Crying– Infernal
10. It’s All Coming Back To Me Now– Meat Loaf & Marion Raven

Layla (Caribbean Mix) – DJ U Hey vs DJ Minagawa
1bHot n Cold – Katy Perry
2. I Know Kung Fu– Shitdisco
3. Sweetheart (Squad-E Remix)– Rezonance-Q
4aPower Of The Mind – Headhunterz
4b.Tubthumping (Everybody Handz Up In Japan Remix) – Hi End Attack
5. Tutti Frutti– Mike Hardy & The KooladeSingers
6. Burn It To The Ground– Nickelback
7. Speed– Atari Teenage Riot
8. Set you free (Hixxy Remix)– N-trance
9. Let it Rock– Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil Wayne
10. Use Somebody– Kings of Leon

Dragostea Din Tei (DJ Ross Radio Mix) – O-Zone
1bMy Life Would Suck Without You – Kelly Clarkson
2. Music Is Pumpin– Radical Rhythm
3. Slow & Steady Rush– Random Attack
4aEnter Sandman – Spock
4bBoom – P.O.D.
5. Ballroom Blitz– Dave & The Extras
6. Let Me Entertain You– Bodytronixx
7. Desolation Row– Krakaw Kreativ Kollektiv
8. What Do You Want From Me (squad-e remix)– Cascada
9. Right Round– Flo Rida Feat. Ke$ha
10. Halo– Beyonce

Numb (RainDropz! Mix) – Jan Wayne vs RainDropz!
1bI Do Not Hook Up – Kelly Clarkson
2. I Was Made For Loving You– Scooter
3. Poison (Al Storm Remix)– Groove Coverage
4. Use Me– Hiroshi Free
5. The Anthem– Good Charlotte
6. Warrior’s Dance– The Prodigy
7. Excalibur 2000 (2000 Radio Mix)– F.C.B.
8. Miracle (SAD Remix)– Cascada
9. Fire Burning– Sean Kingston
10. Second Chance– Shinedown

Freedom (Sunset Project Mix) – Beatbreaker
1bStarstrukk – 3OH!3
2. Love Drunk– Boys Like Girls
3. Send Me An Angel (Weaver Remix)– Slinkee Minx
4. Fight For Your Right (DJ Anady vs Sander Remix)– Boogie Bros
5. Without A Fight– Mindwarp
6. Black Pearl (Dave Darrell Radio Edit)– Scotty
7. Kick Start My Heart– The Snake
8. Overload– VooDoo & Sereno
9. Do It Again– Cassie Davis
10. Sounds Of Freedom– Within Temptation

Brighter Day (Monday 2 Friday Remix) – Yanou
1bUse Somebody – Ultrabeat
2. Energy– Shinedown
3. The Time Of Our Lives– Sy & Unknown featuring Lou Lou
4aPaint It Black 2009 – Masif DJ’s
4bGIA (Skitz Clubb Mixx) – Despina Vandi
5. Ignorance– ToneTonic
6. ìNessun Dormaî– Lacrima
7. Metal Kombat For The Mortal Man– ColorBox
8. Your Shining (Hixxy Remix)– Styles & Breeze
9. Put Your Hands On Me– Crookers feat Kardinal Offishall & Carla-Marie
10. Doesn’t Mean Anything– Alicia Keys

No Easy Way Out (Radio Edit) – DJ Fait
1bAre You Gonna Go My Way (Ti-Mo Remix Edit) – Kato feat. Ian Dawn
2. Back To Innocence– Stephanie Smith
3. Because The Night (Breeze & Unknown Remix)– Cascada
4. Take A Look Around– Badlands Inc
5. Proud Mary– Dr John Henry
6. Russian Roulette (Blunatix Meets B-tastic Remix Edit)– Felix DJ
7. Goin’ Out Swingin’– Turbo
8. See The Light (Styles & Breeze Mix)– Paradise
9. I Can Transform Ya– Chris Brown featuring Lil Wayne & Swizz Beatz
10. Black Box– Stan Walker

Teenage Dirthouse (Topmodelz Radio Edit) – Patrick McFly
1bBlack Betty – Masia
2. Shut Up & Kiss Me– Spacegliderz
3. Truly, Madly, Deeply (S&B Remix)– Cascada
4. Kalinka (Russian Hit Mix)– Captain Jack / Kalinka – Za No Za
5. Contagious– Boys Like Girls
6. Spitfire– GhostHunter
7. Braveheart 2006– Frantic & Gammer
8. I Surrender (Hixxy Hardcore Remix)– Cadence
9. Take It Off– Ke$ha
10. Wait Till You See My Smile– Alicia Keys

Dynamite (Kritikal Mass Radio Edit) – Jason Born
1bLove The Way You Lie (KM Hands Up Remix)– Other Ego
2. Let Me Hear You Scream– Kartsy Wolfbain
3. Make You Mine– Lisa Lowe & BamBam
4. Fire– Scooter
5. The Warriors Code– Dropkick Murphys
6. Feels Like A Prayer (Clubstar Remix)– Meck feat. Dino
7. You’re Going Down– Badlands Inc
8. Release Me– Linzi Paul
9. Beautiful Monster (Full Vocal La La Sessica Mix)– Mick Lion
10. Just The Way You Are– Bruno Mars

In My Head (Kris McTwain Remix Edit) – Henry Blank
1bAirplanes (Kris McTwain Remix Edit) – Groove Chasers
2. Smooth Criminal– Badlands Inc
3. We Dance On– Subz Project
4. Come In Hard (Don’t Like Rock ‘N’ Roll)– Hardknox
5. If I Were You– Breeze & Ritmen
6. Drummer Boy (MoDrums Remix)– Alesha Dixon
7. The Last Fight– Bullet For My Valentine
8. Everywhere (Breeze & UFO Remix)– Master Blaster
9. The Time (Dirty Bit)– Red Beans & Rice
10. The Silence (New Single Mix)– Alexandra Burke

Down – Studio 88
1bNew Divide (M & Ace Remix) – Rivendell
2. Kick In The Teeth– Badlands Inc
3. Barbra Streisand– Northern Accelerators
4aLord Of The Rings – Nick Skitz vs Blissphoria
4bHava Nagila – Alex M vs Marc van Damme
5. Don’t Need– Hixxy & Technikore feat. Intraspekt
6. Unfaithful (Nivara Remix)– Comeea
7. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)– Swade
8. Turn To Me (Supreme & MOB 2010 Remix)– Trinity
9. Dance With Me– 3OH!3
10. Somewhere In The World– Altiyan Childs

More (B&W Edit) – Spice Club
1bRolling In The Deep (Technoposse Remix) – Fizzy Deejay
2. Frozen– Big Fiesta
3. What’s Up? (Dougal & Gammer Hardcore Mix)– DJ Destiny
4. Let It Die– Kartsy Wolfbain
5. Nessaja (Breeze Remix)– Scooter
6. Gimmie Dat– Ciara
7. Eye Of The Tiger– Uprising
8. You’re The Feeling (Exclusive HN Mix) – Heaven 7 vs Al Storm
9. Pause– Pitbull
10. ISHFWILF– Disturbed

Give Me Everything (Sunny Dee Remix) – Jason Born
1bLoud (Technoposse Remix Edit) – Big Diddy
2. Bark At The Moon– Fortified Pro
3. Here Tonight– Reality Charm And Solitude
4. Another Way To Die– Disturbed
5. Kung Foo Fighting– Kickers Kingdom
6. Where Them Girls At (Mix I)– Olson Bjerre
7. Born To Kill– Airbourne
8. Land Of Dance (Sy And Unknown Remix)– Retro And Flawless
9. Champion– Chipmunk feat. Chris Brown
10. Awake And Alive (Rock Radio Mix)– Skillet

Rain Over Me (Technoposse Remix Edit) – Love Empire
1bSexy And I Know It (DJ Shocker Extended Remix) – DJ Shocker feat. Chani
2. Crazy Train– Max Motor
3. When I Close My Eyes (Darren Styles Remix)– Dougal & Gammer feat. Jenna
4. Bring Me To Life (Thomas Petersen vs. Gainworx Remix Edit)– Jan Wayne
5. Passenger (AdF Mix)– DJ Gollum
6. Ring The Alarm– Beyoncé
7. Seek And Destroy– Agent Orange
8. Falling (Breeze Remix)– Breeze vs Barley feat. Taya
9. First Of The Year (Equinox)– Skrillex
10. The Fighter– Gym Class Heroes feat. Ryan Tedder

Written In The Stars (Sunny Dee Remix) – Jason Born
1bAre You Ready For This – Friday Night Posse
2. Rock N Roll All Night– Kicking Import
3. Shine On (Hixxy Remix)– R.I.O.
4. Sweet Dreams– Mislead Lizard
5. True Believer (Styles and Breeze Remix)– E-type
6. Swagger Jagger– Cher Lloyd
7. Blade (Re Con Remix)– Ali Payami vs. Aquagen & Warp Brothers
8. Summer Rain– Breeze vs. Brad Sure Feat Katie Halliday
9. Bangarang– Skrillex feat. Sirah
10. Is Anybody Out There?– Soldier TV

What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger) ( B&W Remix Edit) – Dirty Scandal
1bBlow (Web Remix Edit) – Diva Chain
2. Turbulence– Laidback Luke & Steve Aoki Feat. Lil Jon
3. Gona Love Me– Hixxy & R.S.R
4. Paradise City– Rising Edge
5. Invincible (Barracuda Album Mix 2012)– Sharnee
6. DOA– Telstarr
7. The Switch– DJ Recoil
8. Dark Skies– Hixxy, Dougal & Gammer
9. Internet Friends– Captain Karate Intention
10. Payphone– Audiogrove

Back in Time (Basslouder Remix Edit) – Phat Bomb
1bCall Me Maybe (Basslouder Remix Edit) – Diva Chain
2. Bad Girls– Kung-Fu Angel
3. Don’t Feel Like Love– Hixxy
4. Firestarter– Base Addiction
5. We No Speak No Americano (Gammer Remix)– Yolanda Be Cool vs DCUP
6. Where Have You Been (Smithee Remix Edit)– Candid
7. Let It Rock– Artcore
8. For A Lifetime (Breeze Mix)– Adam Harris feat. Taya
10. Battle Scars– Guy Sebastian feat. Lupe Fiasco

I cry (Basslouder remix edit) – high rolla
1bDon’t wake me up (Basslouder remix edit) – High rolla
2. Welcome to the jungle– Emperor Platoon
3. Hymn (clubstar mix)– Tina Cousins
4. Hello (radio edit)– Scooter
5. Stamp on the ground (breeze remix)– italo brothers
6. Still getting it– Foreign beggars feat. skrillex
7. Raise the flag– Airbourne
8. Silence (Darwin remix)– Filthy Louca
9. Shawty got moves– Get Cool
10. Hall of fame– Born Rush vs Mr Ticket

1a. TroubleMaker (Clubwaver club mix) – Ocean
1b. Dead or alive (Live Mix) – Nick Skitz
2. Lets Go (Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes & Lil Job Ricky Luna Remix)
3. I’m Alive (Hardcore Mix)
– Mickey Modelle & Breeze feat. Molly
4. The Phoenix– Fall Out Boy
5. Roll over Beethoven– Hale Stone
6. This is Love (Basslouder remix edit)– Sounda blasters
7. Stand up for rock ‘n’ roll– Airbourne
8. Feel alive / roll over Beethoven– Klubfiller
9. I love it– Age Jam
10. My songs know what you did in the dark (Light em up)– Fall Out Boy

Blow Me (One Last Kiss) (Max Kinscheck Remix) – Dirty Scandal
1bScream (Tobi feat. LuTraXx Remix) – Killah Swagger
2. Strobelight (Original)– Laidback Luke & Lee Mortimer
3. Shooting Star (Storm’s HS Remix)– Bang!
4. Bass Laser– Digital Ma$$ feat. U-Neek
5. Cold As Ice (Weaver and Suae Intro Mix) – East Coast Masif
6. Action– Score And The Finger
7. It’s A Fight– Beach Incarnation
8. My Forever Love– Sy And Unknown
9. People Like Us– Kelly Clarkson
10. Till I Collapse– The Junkyard Scoller

I Knew You Were Trouble (DRM Remix) – Girls Only
1bEverything about you – SupaHit
2. Danger Zone– International Outlaw
3. Be The One– Hixxy, Sy and Unknown
4. A Warrior’s Call– Volbeat
5. Bright Like The Sun– Sy and Unknown Feat. Kirsten Joy
6. Danger Zone– K Drew
7. Lost in the Space– The Original Movies Orchestra
8. Falling From The Sky– Hixxy, Dave Castellano & Fat Steve
9. Do Or Die– Flux Pavilion
10. Fleurs Du Mal– Sarah Brightman

Hit me with your best shot (BassLouder Remix Edit) – Neon Ninja
1bRoar (Bass Rayders Remix Edit) – Hot Cherry
2. Black or White (Combat Remix)– The Treat Ring
3. Fly Away– Deer Between
4. Emergency (Clockwork Remix)– Steve Aoki feat. Lil Jon, Chiddy Ban
5. Rise Again (Sy and Unknown Remix)– Breeze v Lost Witness
6. What’s Love (Kandy Man Remix Edit)– Ste Ingham and Nick Stitz
7. Kryptonite– Proof Luke
8. Sunshine On a Cloudy Day (Eufeion Remix)
9. You’re the Best
– Blazed Calm
10. Now We are Free– Lisa Kelly

. Wrecking Ball (MaLu Project Remix Edit) – Pop Pistols
1b. Beautiful Monster (Damn-R Remix) – Mick Lion
2. Shot Me Down ft. Skylar Grey – Up Despair
3. Every Breath You Take – Praying Hunk
4. So What! (M Edit) – Independence Days
5. Stairway To Heaven (Original Mix) –  Modulate & Petruccio
6. Get Low – Dillon Francis & DJ Snake
7. Ready To Rock – Airbourne
8. Like a Rainbow (Sy & Unknow Remix) – Recon & Demand
9. Watch Out For This (Bumaye)  – Since Ten
10. Heart of a Warrior – Dizzee Rascal

. Someone Like You(Kris McTwain Radio Edit) – N-Finity
1b. Home Alone (Invader! Remix Edit) – Vanilla Kiss
2. Famous Last Words – The Wrapper
3. Give A Little Love – Al Storm & Euphony
4. Dark Horse (Hard Dance Alliance Mix) – Kerrie Scene
5. Crash –  Al Storm
6. Y.A.L.A. – M.I.A.
7. Let The Beat Go (Single) – S3RL feat. Johnny
8. Power Of Love – Absolutely Elegant
9. 3 Kingz (Single)  – Al Storm & Euphony
10. I Was Here – Beyoncè

. Get Ready (Steve Aoki Vocal Radio Edit) – 2 Unlimited
1b. Survival of the Fittest (Radio Edit) – Coone
2. Badboi – Pegboard Nerds
3. Get a Way – 
Sporty Breed
4. Edge of a Revolution – Nickelback
5. Holdin’ On Right Now – The Solar Revival
6. Fight the Resistance –  Brennan Heart & Zatox.
7. Dead! – My Chemical Romance
8. Shine (JBC Remix) – Geos Crew feat. Zara
9. Three Strikes  – Afrojack feat. Jack McManus
10. A New Way to Bleed (Photek Remix) – Evanescence

1a. Freaks –
Timmy Trumpet & Savage
1b. Can’t You See – Shermanology & GRX
2. I’m Shipping Up to Boston – Sway Spice
3. You’ve Got the Love (Breeze & Modulate Remix) – Sosumi feat. Missy DJ
4. Blast Off – The Basic Proton
5. Hot Right Now (Jag Skillz VIP Mix) – DJ Fresh
6. Black Widow –  Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora
7. La Nina Mechanica – Engine Florida
8. If You Surrender – The Truly
9. Shell Shocked  – The Proven Lab
10. Simply Amazing – Trey Songz

1a. We Came to Bang –
3Lau feat. LUCIANA
1b. Levels (VIP Mix) – Pukka Moves
2. Ah Yeah so What (Radio Edit) – Will Sparks feat. Wiley & Elen levon
3. Lifting Me Higher (Back to 97 Mix) – Dougal & Gammer
4. Enemies – Shinedown
5. No Problem – Chase & Status
6. The Day Is My Enemy –  Nave Gears
7. Party Monster – Groove Moves
8. Heart Bleeds – Re-Con & Demand feat. Mandy Edge
9. Black and Blue (Smackdown) – Long Hawke
10. Love Me Anyway – Ginny Blackmore

1a. Everybody (Jump Smokers Remix) – Justice Crew
1b. Dibby Dibby Sound (feat. Ms. Dynamite) [The Partysuqad Remix] –
DJ Fresh & Jay Fay feat. Ms. Dynamite
2. Karate
– R3hab & KSHMR
3. Titanium
– The Salty Mix
4. Hey Mama
– Highland Eight
5. Pieces
– Chase & Status feat. Plan B
6. Get Over It
– The Carbonated Kick
7. The Black Pearl (Rui Festival Edit)
– Scotty
8. Reach Out
– Cat Knight Dougal & Gammer
9. Bounce
– Iggy Azalea
10. Bleeding Out
– Imagine Dragons

1a. I’m An Albatroz (Sunny Dee Remix) – 4kast
1b. Fight For Your Right!
  – Boogie Bros feat. Big Daddi
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs – Fall Out Boy
Set You Free (Hixxy Remix) – N-Trance
Chopstick (Mado Kara Mieru) – Scooter
Sound Bang – The Noble Ascent
Bottles Up – Vandalism & Risk
7. Breathe
– Tickling Transit
8. Surrender (Clubland Mix)
– Al Storm feat. Amy
9. Hard
– Rihanna feat. Jezzy
10. Battle Cry
– Havana Brown feat. Bebe Rexha & Savi

1a. Freak – Steve Aoki, Diplo & Deorro feat. Steve Bays
1b. Break The Rules
  – Anonymous Hotel
Push – Kronic, East Movement & Savage
On My Way – Jupiter Soliloquy
My songs Know What You Did In The Dark – 2 Chainz
Dirty (Metrik Remix) – Dirtyphonics
She Got It (Club Mix) – Vandalism & Angger Dimas
7. The United Vibe
– Scooter
8. Out of My Hands
– Olympic Daydream
9. Turn Down For What
– DJ Snake & Lil Jon
10. I See Fire
– Sol3 Mio

1a. Everybody Stand Up– Bombs Away feat. Luciana
1b. Nuclear (Dillon Francis Remix)
  – Zomboy
I’m Alive– Shinedown
Good Times – Sigma & Ella Eyre
Say My Name (Dual Thieves Remix) – Peking Duck feat. Benjamin Joseph
Count On Me (Andy C. Remix) – Chase & Status
Wine Dem – Henry Fong
7. Testify
– Steve Hill & Klubfiller
8. Watch It Burn
– Camo & Krooked feat. Ayah Marar
9. Bring ‘Em Out
– T.I.
10. Rise Up
– Andra Day

1a. Bust ‘Em – Party Favor
1b. Don’t Stop the Madness
  – Hardwell, W&W feat. Fatman Scoop
1c. The Thrill  –
2.How We Do
– Hardwell & Showtek
Higher – Sigma
Kraken – Knife party & Tom Staar
Not Giving In – Rudimental feat. John Newman & Alex Clare
1 in 100.000 – L-Fresh The Lion
7. Freak
– Re-Con & Klubfiller
8. We Won’t Be Alone
– Feint feat. Laura Brehm
9. Don’t Let Me Down
– The Chainsmokers feat. Daya
10. I Need A Dollar
– Aloe Blacc

1a. Give Me Your Love – Sigala feat. John Newman & Nile Rogers
1b. Hype
  – Dizzee Rascal & Calvin Harris
1c. Perfect Strangers  –
Jonas Blue feat. JP Cooper
Baddest Things – Party Favor feat. NYMZ & Bunji Garlin
Work it Out – Netsky feat. Digital Farm Animals
Titans – Razihel & Aero Chord
Feel The Love – Rudimental feat. John Newman & Nile Rogers
5. Bonus: Basque Gold –
Secrets – Tiesto, Vassy, KSHMR
7. Ocho Cinco
– DJ Snake feat. Yellow Claw
8. Come Alive
– Netsky
9. Time
– Snavs
10. Unstoppable
– Sia

1a. Nobody to Love (Extended Mix)
– Sigma
1b. Praise You (Radio Edit) – Mind Electric
1c. Kids – OneRepublic
2. Believer – Showtek & Major Lazer
3. Sweet Lies – Wilkinson feat. Karen Harding
4. B.O.B. – Outkast
5. Changing – Sigma feat. Paloma Faith
5. Bonus: Slappin’ It (Inner Voice Remix) – Wydez
6. Run (Beautiful Things) – AWOLNATION
7. Welcome to the Black Parade – My Chemical Romance
8. Let You Go (Brookes Brothers Remix) – Chase & Status feat. Mali
9. Words – Daya
10. Lovesick – Mura Masa feat. A$AP Rocky

1a. What is Love 2016 (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Remix)
– Lost Frequencies
1b. Setting Fires (Blasterjaxx Remix) – The Chainsmokers feat. XYLO
1c. Shut it Down – Party Favor & Dillon Francis
2. Mayday – KXA
3. Wild Horses (Matrix & Futurebound Remx) – Dancing on My Lonesome
4. Mama Do the Hump – Rizzle Kicks
5. Eternal – Shapeshifter
5. Bonus: Gud Vibrations – Nghtmre & Slander
6. Fracture – Slumberjack feat. Vera Blue
7. New Era – Andy C
8. Endorphins (Sub Focus vs Fred V & Grafix Remix) – Sub Focus feat. Alex Clare
9. Savage – Whethan feat. Flux Pavalion & Max
10. Human – Rag’n’Bone Man

1a. Rich Boy (Quintino Remix) –
1b. Rebound to the Beat – Promise Land & Luciana
1c. Wild Flowers – Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
2. Going Crazy – Hardwell & Blasterjaxx
3. Skin (Wilkinson Remix) – Rag’n’Bone Man
4. Great Spirit – Armin van Buuren & Vini Vici feat. Hilight Tribe
5. Bomberdrop – Bustin Jeeber
5. Shes Out Of Her Mind – Spring Is Coming
6. Kiwi – Lee Is Here
7. This Time – Kayzo
7. Hypnotic – Wilkinson feat. Shannon Saunders & Youngman
8. Happy Alone – Matrix & Futurebound feat. V. Bozeman
9. Lingua – Sub Focus feat. Stylo G
10. Whatever It Takes – Imagine Dragons

1a. Ready (Extended Mix)
– Dannic, Tom & Jame
1b. Permanent Vacation – 5 Seconds Of Summer
2. Jump – Too Weak To Workshop
3. All Goes Wrong – Chase & Status featuring Tom Grennan
3. Freefall (VIP) – Metrik
4. My Name Is Thunder – Jet & The Bloody Beetroots
4. See What I See – Alex Sonata feat. Katrine Stenbekk
5. Breathing Underwater – Emeli Sande
5. Beyond The Wall (The Prototype Remix) – Sigma
5. Kaleidoscope – Delta Heavy
6. Disbroqueia A Tela – Digestible Planets
7. On My Way – Axwell/\Ingrosso
8. Light Us Up – Matrix & Futurebound featuring Callum Scott
9.  Marching On – Krewella
10. Brother – Kodaline

1a. HNDZ Up (Extended Mix)
– Matisse & Sadko
1b. Shake That LaLa – French Invasion
2. All Aboard – Bassjackers vs D’Angello & Francis
3. Who Knows – Netsky featuring Paije
3. Getaway (Koven Remix) Tritonal feat. Angel Taylor
4. Era – RL Grime
5. Soundbwoy (Sigma Remix) – Stylo G
5. Let ‘Em Talk – Kesha feat. Eagles Of Death Metal
6. White Lines – Six60
6. Blind Faith – Chase & Status & Liam Bailey
7. Holy – Slander & Kayzo featuring Micah Martin
8. Ghost – Delta Heavy
8. Suffocate – The Prototypes
9. Knock Me Down – MAKJ & Max Styler featuring Elayna Boynton
10. Don’t Forget Your Roots – Six60

1a. Vegas (Extended Mix)
– Alvaro, Lil Jon & Jetfire
1b. Up – Corti & La Medica & Andry J
2. MIC Drop – Mast Boldface
3. Running Low – Pancake Ire
4. Tell Me– RL Grime & What So Not
5. Stay (Maduk Remix) – Delta Heavy feat. HOLLY
5.Rat A Tat – Fall Out Boy feat. Courtney Love
6. Magenta Riddim – DJ Snake
7. Beastmode (Original Mix)– Yellow Claw feat. Stoltenholff
8. Get This Right– Koven
9. Legendary – Welshly Arms
10. The Champion – Carrie Underwood feat. Ludacris

1a.Savage Mode
– Kazzanova featuring Marvelus Fame
1b. Fofo (WRECKVGE Remix) – Garmiani featuring Julimar Santos
2. Earthquake – Hardwell featuring Harrison
3.1. Stay – Sigma
3.2. The Siren (Camo & Krooked Remix) – Bungle featuring Ayah Marar
4.1. Devil – Shinedown
4.2. You’re Gonna Love Again – NERVO
5.1 & 5.2 Worth The Lie
 – Muzzy, Koven & Feint
6.1. Lonely Boy – Neon Nanny
6.2. Be The One (Netsky Remix) – Dua Lipa
7. Dancehall Soldier – Yellow Claw feat. Beeni Man
8.1. Wings (Nu:Logic Remix) – Birdy
8.2. Home – Shock One & Reija Lee
9. Young Blood – 5 seconds Of Summer
10. Sure Don’t Miss You – The Dip

1a. Knockout
 – Deorro, MAKJ, Quintino
1b. Made in China – Yesterday Stripes
2. Stockholm White (Perk Pietrek Remix)– UZ & Two Fresh featuring Elliphant
3. Lifeless – Loadstar feat. Stephanie McCourt
4. Gloves Are Comin’ Off – 7kingZ
5 Love Has Gone
 – Netsky
6. Love & War – Red Toss
7. Much – Flosstradamus feat. 24hrs
8. Superhuman (Gammer Remix) – SLANDER feat. Eric Leva
9. Dies Irae – Apashe & Black Prez
10. Warrior – Hannah Kerr

1a. Bashment Ting
– Rob & jack x Sanjin
1b. La La La – Willy William
2. Headsprung – LL Cool J
3. Holding Onto Heaven (Kove Remix) – Foxes
4. DJ Turn It Up – Yellow Claw
5a. Flower
– Moby
5b. Dare (Hold It Down) – Friction
6. Run Wild
– Thutmose, NoMBe
7. THE DROP – Gammer
8. By Your Side – Stonebank feat. EMEL
9. Midnight – Horn Through
10. Heads Up – Jain

1a. Drop Tt Down (Extended Mix)
– Sidney Samson featuring Vasin
1b. Bullet Blowz – Havana Brown & Kronic
2. Mangalam – Will Sparks & Maddix
3. Hearts Ain’t Gonna Lie (High Contrast Remix) – Arlissa & Jonas Blue
4. Nice Flow (Original Mix) – Smookie Illson & Fly Boi Keno
5. False Alarm
– The Weeknd
6. How Bad Do You Want It (Oh Yeah)
– Cue Sheets
7. Public Enemy – Boss Boys
8. Got You There – Matrix & Futurebound featuring Zelah
9. Tell Me You Love Me (Matrix & Futurebound Remix) – Demi Lovato
10. Like I Would (The White Panda Remix) – Zayn

1a. Turn It Up
– Armin van Buuren
1b. Barraca – Garmiani featuring MC Pikachu
2. Reserve – Egzod featuring Leo The Kind
3. Pull The Trigger (Maduk Remix) – Flux Pavilion
4. Lacrimosa – Apashe
5. Different Way
– Murdock featuring Errol Dunkley
6. Say My Name
– River Deep
7. Shellz – Ape Drums featuring Denzel Curry & Frizzo
8. Love Wins Again – Koven
9. Jump Around – House of Pain
10. Power Is Power – SZA & The Weeknd & Travis Scott

1a. Awa Ni
– The Knocks & Kah Lo
1b. Alive – R3HAB vs Vini Vici featuring Pangea & Dego
2. Pica – Deorro, Henry Fong & Elvis Crespo
3. Unreal – T & Sugah featuring Ayve
4. Y.A.L.A. – M.I.A.
5. Fuji Opener
– Skrillex featuring Alvin Risk
6. Gopher Mambo
– Leandro Da Silva
7. Victorious – 7kingZ
8.Real (Drum & Bass Mix) – Crissy Criss & WIDE AWAKE
9. Burning – Chase & Status featuring Cocoa Tea
10. Alright – Mike Yung

1a. Real Good Feeling
– Oh The Larceny
1b. AVA – Garmiani
2. Dear Future Self (Hands Up) – Fall Out Boy feat. Wyclef Jean
3. Let It Go – Murdock feat. M’Leah
4. Shankara (Sunburn Goa 2019 Anthem) – Mariana Bo
5. 1995
– Bunji Garlin
6. Life Long After Death
– QUIX & Adventure Club ft. badXchannels
7. Gasoline– Party Favor & Nonsens
8. Not Givin In (Fred V Remix) – Tom Walker
9. Mama Said Knock You Out– LL Cool J
10. Will It Go Round In Circles– Billy Preston

01A.Therapy –
Timmy Trumpet, Charlott Boss
01B.Monster (Luca Testa Remix) –
Blasterjaxx feat. Junior Funke
02.Came To Win –
03.Follow Me (Polygon Remix) –
Matrix & Futurebound feat. Ayak Thiik
04.Hena –
Zafrir feat. Dikanda
05.No Effect (Sunset Bros Remix) –
Hooligan Hefs
06.Boa Noite –
Karol Conka
07.King Of The Party –
Some Cadence
08.Devotion –
Dimension feat. Cameron Hayes
09.Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked –
Cage The Elephant
10.Fool For You –
Ceelo Green feat. Melanie Fiona

1a. Come for it –
Machel Montano
1b. Spearhead – Updog
2. Gy’al Ya Shake It – Bad Royale & Future Fambo
3. Can’t Keep Me Down – Murdock featuring Shystie & Sena Dagadu
4. Devil A Pray – Easy McCoy
5. Mantra –
Mariana BO
6. Brace Up –
Machel Montano
7. Bap U – Party Favor
8. Louder (Hamilton Remix) – Neon Jungle
9. Here I Go – Lady Bri

1a. Ride it (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike VS Quintino Remix) –
1b. Give it to Dem – Skan, Drama B, Highdiwaan
2. Fiesta! – Mashd N Kutcher, Reece Low
3. Hindsight (Millbrook Remix) – Matrix & Futurebound
4. Majesty – Apashe, Wasiu
5. Right Here, Right Now (Friction & Killer Hertz Remix) –
6. Street Fight –
The Prowlers
7. The People (Dimatik Remix) – KSHMR, Timmy Trumpet
8. Be Alright – Stonebank featuring EMEL
9. Savage Love (Laxed-Siren Beat) – Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo
10. Surely You Know – Koven

1a. Dumb –
Timmy Trumpet featuring Charlott Boss
1b. In My Soul – Aspyer
3. Evolution – I see MONSTAS
4. Stephanie – CryJaxx & DramaB
5. Mariachi –
Ribbon Trifecta
6. I’m Back –
Royal Deluxe
7. Tarantino – Steve Aoki & Timmy Trumpet featuring STARX
8. Don’t Say It – Lee Mvtthews featuring PRINS
9. Tippy Toe – NOAM DEE
10. Where I’, From – Lukas Graham featuring Wiz Khalifa

1a. Mi Sento Bien –
Talking Turkey
1b. Breathe, Stretch, Shake – Mase featuring P Diddy
2. Trap Requiem (Original Mix) – Apashe x Tha Trickaz
3. Ripped to Pieces – Stonebank featuring EMEL
4. Kolkata – KSHMR, JDG & Mariana Bo
5. Famalay –
St. Louis
6. Bang! –
7. Bonzai Channel One – The Free Force Five
8. Deeper Love (Stonebank Remix) – Botnek & I See MONSTAS
9. Strut – DITA
10. Natural – L.A.B.

1a. Like Ah Boss –
Machel Montano
1b. Green Light – Lady Bri
2. Jimmy Shake – Apashe featuring 740 Boyz & Dose
3. In a Moment – Lee Mvtthews featuring Watson
4. Lord & Master – Apashe
5. Look At Me Go –
Netsky featuring Darren Styles
6. Get Ready –
7. WAWA (explicit version) – Party Favor
8. Good Enough – Koven
9. Whatever I Want – Kat Meoz
10. Firefly –Drax Project featuring Fetty Wap & AACACIA

1a. Symphony –
Blasterjaxx & Jebroer
1b. Beggin’ – Måneskin
2. Its Goin’ Down Tonight – Manwell x Club Danger
3. Let Me Go – Lee Mvtthews featuring Embher
4. Flying Dutchman –Blasterjaxx &Zafrir
5. Gold Dust (Shy FX Re-Edit) –
DJ Fresh
6. Make It Look Easy –
7. Offender – Dimension
8. All You Ever Wanted (Sub Focus Remix) – Rag’nBone Man
9. Bongo Cha Cha Cha – Goodboys
10. Fighter – Royal Deluxe

1a. Hero (DISTO Remix) –
Afrojack & David Guetta
1b. Imma Wildfire – Easy McCoy featuring Adam McInnis
2. Stay Mine (Gabry Ponte Remix) – Timmy Trumpet & Afrojack
3. Alone – Maduk featuring Marianna Ray
4. Energy – Easy McCoy & Black Hydra
5. Holdin’ On –
Never Let Me Go
6. Odin –
Tony Junior & Apaztron
7. Team – TV Noise
8. Alive – Dimension featuring Poppy Baskcomb
9. Rari – Swimnaked
10. I Am Fearless – Easy McCoy

1a. Ready or Not Here I Come –
District 78 featuring Cheesa
1b. My Way – Harris & Ford x Mike Candys
2. Pum Pum (Da Tweekaz Remix) – Showtek & Sevenn
3. Hope – Sigma & Carla Marie
4. The Search – Fraser Glaser
5. Pick A Side –
Erphaan Alves x Kes
6. Voices –
Hidden Citizens featuring Vanessa Campagna
7. Carnival – Quintino
8. All for Nothing – Koven
9. 2 Legit 2 Quit – MC Hammer featuring Saja
10. Chain Of Fools – Jimmy Barnes

1a. Burn It To The Ground –
Blasterjaxx featuring Jay Mason
1b. Tick Tick Boom – Brand New World
2. Real Ones (QUIX Remix) – L.A.B & Kings
3. That’s On You – Mazare & Monika Santucci
4. Shadows – Blasterjaxx & Hollywood Undead
5. Like A Boss –
6. Watch Me Go –
Hot Kicks
7. Incoming – Steve Aoki & Gammer
8. Catharsis X – MUZZ featuring Koven
9. I Got It – Ryan Innes
10. Hold My Hand – Lady Gaga

1a. Feel The Fire –
MR. BLACK & Richie Loop
1b. here we go again – Floyd Wonder
2. Reason For Fighting – Seven Lions & Blastoyz featuring ERV ELLO
3. Unbreakable – Voicians
4. Fire Emoji – Fraesser
5. Running Up That Hill –
The Wolf & I
6. Follow On –
7. What’s Your Name – Ravian featuring Jujulipps
8. Wait For You (Matrix & Futurebound Remix) – Tom Walker
9. Masaya – Brown Sugar Factory
10. This Is Where We Come Alive – Portals

1a. Brutal –
Blasterjaxx & LNY TNZ feautring Jex & Jones Suave
1b. Hurricane (Festival Mix) – Blasterjaxx x Prezioso x LIZOT featuring Shibui
2. Mercy – Jauz & Masked Wolf
3. Falling Apart – Pegboard Nerds, Stonebank & EMEL
4. Turn The Music Up – NF
5. Thief (Flux Pavillion Remix) / Big City Life –
Ookay / Luude & Mattafix
6. Dolls –
Bella Poarch
7. Wasabi (Extended Mix) – Da Tweekaz & Blasterjaxx featuring Maikki
8. Release (Fred V Remix) – 220 KID & ASDIS
9. Betty (Get Money) – Yung Gravy
10. Missing Out (The Midnight Remix) – The Ivy

1a. So High –
Blasterjaxx & Le Shuuk featuring Crooked Bangs
1b. Low – Blue Fire
2. La La La – Anima Lilly
3. Miss You – Kurzwald
4. Walk This Way (Lido Remix) – MØ
5. Party Up (Cavalry Remix) / Find Me (Sigma VIP Remix) –
DMX / Sigma featuring Birdy
6. Coming Back Stronger –
Silverberg featuring Reeves
7. Follow – I’ve Got Thunder
8. WANT NEED LOVE (Dimension Remix) – Prospa
9. Intro – EPMD
10. Calm Down – Rema & Selena Gomez

Selection of chosen BodyCombat Tracks – Summer 2015

As a fun challenge, over a period of two weeks, we attempted to do as many BodyCombat classes as possible, and in the end managed to do 14. One of the side-effects was a snap-shot of the tracks used right now by instructors to mix into the current release 64.  Below is a run-through of the total of 137 tracks that were used and identified.

Track 1ab: Warm-Up
As always, the warm-up from the current release dominates, so nearly ½ (6) of the warm-up tracks were Freaks/Can’t You See.
Written In The Stars/Are You Ready For This from 53 appeared 3 times, but mixed in by the same instructor, so maybe not that surprising. We also encountered Blow Me/Scream from 58, Wrecking Ball/Beautiful Monster from 61 and Someone Like You/Home Alone from 62. A total of 5 different warm-up tracks.

Track 2: Combat 1
OK, so obviously the Irish folk dance from 64 is not particularly popular. At least that’s how it appears, as the first Combat Track is the only one where among the 9 different tracks used, there was no use of release 64. That is a little bit surprising. Call Me Manana from Release 13 was clearly the eldest track we came across. Back to Innocense(45), Kick In the Teeth(49), Strobeligt(58) og Badboi(63) all made two appearances each.

Track 3: Power 1
You’ve Got the Love from 64 was used 4 times  and 53’s Shine On 3 times. In total 9 different track 3.

Track 4: Combat 2
Blast Off from current release only made a single appearance; it seems I am not the only one disliking the trip down on floor. The Phoenix from 57 was the most frequently used. The rest were evenly distributed across the 9 tracks used– eldest was Rising Up from 21.

Track 5: Power 2
HIIT seems to be a HIT, at least we heard Hot Right Now from current release blaring out of the speakers a total of 5 times. Nessaja(50), which I really like, was used twice, and the rest of the 8 tracks once each.

Track 6: Combat 3
It appears that Black Widow is the most popular standing track from the current release, a sentiment I subscribe to. 7 times we loved to hate it, with 61 Get Low and 50 Gimme Dat each used twice.

Track 7: Muay Thai
Also the Muay Thai from 64 seems to be popular, being used 6 times out of the 17 track 7 we experienced in our 14 classes. 7 is obviously the track of choice when ever we are granted a bonus! 🙂
Let the Beat Go from 62 and Blade from 53 were also used several times and as I am a fan of both, I am not complaining.

Track 8: Power 3
The absolutely excellent Your Shining from 44 was the most frequent 8 with a total of 4 uses and 64’s If You Surrender was used twice as was 61’s Like a Rainbow.

Track 9: Condition
Just as for 1 and 10, there is no big tendency to mix a new 9 into the list. Switch from 28, You’re Gonna Love This from 55 and 3 Kingz from 62 made a single appearance each, but Shell Shocked was used 9 times.

Track 10: Cooldown
Simply Amazing from 64 was used 10 times. I Was Here from 62 and one of my all-time favorite tracks Now We Are Free from 60 were each used once.

Obviously 64 was the main contributing release, with 9 tracks (all except 2) being used a total of 50 times.
Other popular releases are:
62, supplying 6 different tracks being used 12 times in total
53, supplying 4 different tracks being used 10 times in total
57, supplying 4 different tracks being used 6 times in total
61, supplying 4 different tracks being used 6 times in total
45, supplying 3 different tracks being used 4 times in total
58, supplying 3 different tracks being used 4 times in total
21, supplying 3 different tracks being used 3 times in total
55, supplying 3 different tracks being used 3 times in total
60, supplying 3 different tracks being used 3 times in total

Below a list of all the tracks we encountered:
Tracks used